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A future of
solidarity and equity
for everyone:
It's up to US.



Let's make our shared ideals a reality.
For all.

In 2026, the Declaration of Independence  turns 250 years old. In its simple words "We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal" we discover the promise of America: the twin ideals of equity and solidarity. Two ideas that shape our very identity as a country - and yet they weren’t a reality then and they aren’t reality now.


In the unique storytelling spaces our exhibitions create, The Stories of Us invites everyone to come together to discover more about our shared past and understand our shared present so that we can ask as we look to the future - how can we make the Declaration’s ideals of equity and solidarity a reality, together?

These are the stories of us - our past, present and future.

Inequality and division are not our preordained fate. We can choose a different future. In 2026, we have an opportunity to view our founding documents and the ideals within them as a call to action:

We are all invited to act to make those ideals a reality and join in the effort of perfecting our union - for all. It’s up to us.

For everyone. For you. By all of us. Join us.


transformative solidarity

A future of equity created by and for everyone is only possible we all step into Transformative Solidarity – a solidarity in which we recognise and embrace each other’s realities, potential and humanity as essential to our own.

With permission, we borrow the phrase from Angela Glover Blackwell - and our definition also speaks to the ancient sub-Saharan philosophy of 'ubuntu' - "I am who I am because of who we all are".


All of our programs invite people to practice the mindsets and skills of Transformative Solidarity:


I am worthy of love dignity and respect.


I know how I see the world and where it comes from.


I believe I have something valuable to offer.

I know what inspires me and what I want to do.


in our relationship with ourselves.

For everyone. For you.
By all of us. Join us.

For everyone. For you.
By all of us. Join us.



A simple truth - We are our stories. The stories we are told. The stories we tell. They shape who we are and what we do individually and together. Stories define the reality we create for ourselves and each other.


The 10 themes of The Stories of Us center the Black experience to help all of us to deepen our understanding of our shared past and present, so that we can create a future of equity for all, together.

A future of equity created by and for everyone is only possible we all step into Transformative Solidarity – a solidarity in which we recognise and embrace each other’s realities, potential and humanity as essential to our own.

With permission, we borrow the phrase from Angela Glover Blackwell - and our definition also speaks to the ancient sub-Saharan philosophy of 'ubuntu' - "I am who I am because of who we all are".


All of our programs invite people to practice the mindsets and skills of Transformative Solidarity:


transformative solidarity

VOL. 3


Emancipation examines a key chapter in the story of the United States. It was progress, but it was messy – full of complicated motivations, realities and repercussions.

  • Learn about the heroes and allies that strove for freedom for centuries, from rebellions and resistance to mass scale abolitionist campaigns.

  • The story of the Civil War and how it shifted the trajectory of a young country towards greater freedom.

  • Emancipation was the catalyst for a large- scale migration of Black people across North America, with impacts still seen to this day.

  • Emancipation didn’t automatically mean freedom for enslaved people, whose reality and circumstances often kept them in economic and physical bondage.

  • Emancipation in the United States stood alongside successful campaigns for abolition & emancipation in the Caribbean, South America and across the Atlantic.

A simple truth - We are our stories. The stories we are told. The stories we tell. They shape who we are and what we do individually and together. Stories define the reality we create for ourselves and each other.


The 10 themes of The Stories of Us center the Black experience to help all of us to deepen our understanding of our shared past and present, so that we can create a future of equity for all, together.


the stories
of us

VOL. 1


Origins explores the principal peoples and cultures that history brought together in the founding and evolution of what we now know as the United States.

  • Across the Americas, indigenous people lived in well- established, complex and culturally diverse communities, tribes and nations, built on powerful kin- and family relationships through generations.

  • Driven by countless motivations, from freedom from oppression to financial gain and political power, people from across Europe representing a broad variety of cultures sought to create a new future for themselves in the Americas.

  • Millions of Africans were captured and forcibly taken to enslavement in the Americas. They came from societies of great wealth in innovation, philosophy, resources, creativity and community.

  • During the European colonization of the Americas, groups who had no previous exposure to each other met, often in contexts of force and struggle. Cultures clashed, adapted and transformed in this crucible of conflict.

VOL. 2

we hold these truths

We Hold These Truths asks us to consider the conflicts between the high ideals and the reality of oppression and enslavement of the founding and early formation of the United States.

  • The Founding Fathers set out enduring ideals that call us to our better selves, that were not embodied in the creation of their new nation.

  • Human trafficking and bondage were a complex, intentionally designed system and business model that delivered extreme suffering, terror - and wealth.

  • To understand its impact, one has to understand the everyday experiences of the millions of people who lived and died in bondage across the Americas.

  • The financial and physical infrastructure of the United States was built on the free labor of the enslaved, creating wealth and power that has compounded through generations.

  • The land on which the United States was founded was not discovered, it was taken by force.

VOL. 4

ripples across generations

Ripples Across Generations makes clear the direct consequences that enslavement has had on every generation of Americans, including the society we live in today.

  • Enslaved life on plantations across the United States has left scars we still experience - in our health, in our behaviors and in our material reality.

  • The healthcare system has often failed and exploited Black communities, leading to distrust, disengagement and ongoing inequity.

  • From policing to prison, the justice system of the United States has, since its founding, disproportionately targeted Black and Brown people, devastating lives, families and communities.

  • From education systems to city planning, inequity has often been designed into the reality of the United States - separating people and limiting opportunity.

  • The past was not long ago - routine inhumanity and legal segregation defined society in the United States within living memory.

VOL. 4

ripples across generations

Ripples Across Generations makes clear the direct consequences that enslavement has had on every generation of Americans, including the society we live in today.

  • Enslaved life on plantations across the United States has left scars we still experience - in our health, in our behaviors and in our material reality.

  • The healthcare system has often failed and exploited Black communities, leading to distrust, disengagement and ongoing inequity.

  • From policing to prison, the justice system of the United States has, since its founding, disproportionately targeted Black and Brown people, devastating lives, families and communities.

  • From education systems to city planning, inequity has often been designed into the reality of the United States - separating people and limiting opportunity.

  • The past was not long ago - routine inhumanity and legal segregation defined society in the United States within living memory.

VOL. 5

good trouble

Good Trouble charts the long march towards racial equity since Emancipation, with the Civil Rights Movement in the United States at its heart.

  • The awakening of consciousness in the United States around Black and African identity, solidarity, connection and power.

  • The story of the Civil Rights Movement in the 1950s and 1960s leading to historic breakthroughs.

  • Through self- organization, Black communities worked to uplift, protect and nourish one another.

  • The 21st Century has seen the transformation of activism through technology, helping to elect the first Black president, raise awareness of injustice, and organize across borders.

  • The US Civil Rights Movement stood alongside and was in deep conversation with powerful and successful independence movements across the world.

VOL. 2

we hold these truths

We Hold These Truths asks us to consider the conflicts between the high ideals and the reality of oppression and enslavement of the founding and early formation of the United States.

  • Across the Americas, indigenous people lived in well- established, complex and culturally diverse communities, tribes and nations, built on powerful kin- and family relationships through generations.

  • Driven by countless motivations, from freedom from oppression to financial gain and political power, people from across Europe representing a broad variety of cultures sought to create a new future for themselves in the Americas.

  • The financial and physical infrastructure of the United States was built on the free labor of the enslaved, creating wealth and power that has compounded through generations.

  • The financial and physical infrastructure of the United States was built on the free labor of the enslaved, creating wealth and power that has compounded through generations.

  • The land on which the United States was founded was not discovered, it was taken by force.

VOL. 6

still we rise

Still We Rise celebrates and tells the story of Black people who have transformed the universe of the possible through their impact across our society, from the everyday spaces of our lives to the global stage.

  • Enslaved life on plantations across the United States has left scars we still experience - in our health, in our behaviors and in our material reality.

  • Black people have innovated and led in every sector and space - be it science, public service, thought, business, art, sport, media and beyond.

  • Often unheralded, the impact and influence of Black women in every walk of life has shaped and improved the United States.

  • Social change starts from the ground up, as shown by the countless Black people who have worked together to create a better future for their local communities.

  • Throughout time, icons across the African diaspora have inspired us in the United States to reimagine what is possible.

VOL. 8

a more perfect union

A More Perfect Union highlights that the Black experience is deeply intertwined with and stands alongside intersectional pursuits to realize the ideals of America for ALL.

  • Indigenous activists and organizations fight for the survival and flourishing of their people, culture and way of life, and acknowledgment of their dignity as the indigenous people of these lands.

  • Migrant activists and organizations work to realize the hope of a better future that always underpins migration, as they strengthen the fabric of American life.

  • In a nation designed by Founding ‘Fathers’, the women’s movement has continually worked to break through glass ceilings and pursue true equality for women in every part of our society.

  • Labor movements across the United States have worked to create workplaces that offer people dignity, safety and a chance to pursue the American Dream.

  • Since the early twentieth century, LGBTQ+ movements have worked tirelessly to unlock and expand people’s ability to be who they are and love who they love.

VOL. 9

me reimagined

Change starts with and within each of us. Me Reimagined is an invitation to reimagine who we want to be and the impact we can have. No matter our starting point, what becomes possible if we step into the spirit of transformative solidarity?

  • In our relationship with ourselves, how can we move to purpose, in which we know what inspires us and what we want to do?

  • In our relationship with each other, how can we move to grace - in which we recognize and honor the humanity of the people we meet?

  • In our relationship with the world, how can we move to courage - in which we recognize the complexity, uncertainty and discomfort of the world, but act anyway?

  • In our relationship with the future, how can we move to hope - in which we believe a better future is possible, if we work for it?

  • Our reality will be created by each and all of our actions, every day. What will you commit to?

VOL. 10

us reimagined

Having taken this path together, Us Reimagined invites us to envision the community, society and world we can create if we embrace transformative solidarity and prioritize full dignity and justice for all.

  • To create a society in which everyone has an equal say to advance the power of all people in all places - in a true Multiracial Democracy.

  • To build a future in which our health, well-being and security at every point of our lives is the foundation for all that we can build together.

  • To imagine a future in which communities exist in environments of security and dignity, creating space for joy and fulfilment.

  • To imagine an equitable economy that recognises and serves all people as the cornerstones of value and meaning in our society.

  • A future is only imaginable if we address the climate crisis. We must find solutions that work for all, equitably.

VOL. 7

The Culture

The Culture honors the creativity and expression of African-American and African diaspora communities that represents the very fabric of our everyday lives.

  • Dance and music have played a critical role in the expression of Black community, transforming sorrow, passion and joy into sound and movement.

  • Black writers, poets, spoken word artists and storytellers have made it possible for us to deepen understanding, imagine new worlds and possibilities and stretch our horizons.

  • Food has always been at the heart of Black community and connection, representing heritage, character and imagination.

  • A powerful statement of who you are and who you aspire to be, fashion allows for expression of individual and collective style.

  • Imagery illuminates, challenges and invites - and Black artists have transformed our understanding of creative practice, from quilting and collage to graffiti, portraiture and carnivals across the world.

VOL. 8

A more perfect union

A More Perfect Union highlights that the Black experience is deeply intertwined with and stands alongside intersectional pursuits to realize the ideals of America for ALL.

  • Indigenous activists and organizations fight for the survival and flourishing of their people, culture and way of life, and acknowledgment of their dignity as the indigenous people of these lands.

  • Migrant activists and organizations work to realize the hope of a better future that always underpins migration, as they strengthen the fabric of American life.

  • In a nation designed by Founding ‘Fathers’, the women’s movement has continually worked to break through glass ceilings and pursue true equality for women in every part of our society.

  • Labor movements across the United States have worked to create workplaces that offer people dignity, safety and a chance to pursue the American Dream.

  • Since the early twentieth century, LGBTQ+ movements have worked tirelessly to unlock and expand people’s ability to be who they are and love who they love.

VOL. 10

us reimagined

Having taken this path together, Us Reimagined invites us to envision the community, society and world we can create if we embrace transformative solidarity and prioritize full dignity and justice for all.

  • To create a society in which everyone has an equal say to advance the power of all people in all places - in a true Multiracial Democracy.

  • To build a future in which our health, well-being and security at every point of our lives is the foundation for all that we can build together.

  • To imagine a future in which communities exist in environments of security and dignity, creating space for joy and fulfillment.

  • To imagine an equitable economy that recognises and serves all people as the cornerstones of value and meaning in our society.

  • A future is only imaginable if we address the climate crisis. We must find solutions that work for all, equitably.


in our relationship with ourselves.


I am worthy of love dignity and respect.


I know how I see the world and where it comes from.


I believe I have something valuable to offer.


I know what inspires me and what I want to do.

VOL. 1


Origins explores the principal peoples and cultures that history brought together in the founding and evolution of what we now know as the United States.

  • Across the Americas, indigenous people lived in well- established, complex and culturally diverse communities, tribes and nations, built on powerful kin- and family relationships through generations.

  • Driven by countless motivations, from freedom from oppression to financial gain and political power, people from across Europe representing a broad variety of cultures sought to create a new future for themselves in the Americas.

  • Millions of Africans were captured and forcibly taken to enslavement in the Americas. They came from societies of great wealth in innovation, philosophy, resources, creativity and community.

  • During the European colonization of the Americas, groups who had no previous exposure to each other met, often in contexts of force and struggle. Cultures clashed, adapted and transformed in this crucible of conflict.

VOL. 3


Emancipation examines a key chapter in the story of the United States. It was progress, but it was messy – full of complicated motivations, realities and repercussions.

  • Learn about the heroes and allies that strove for freedom for centuries, from rebellions and resistance to mass scale abolitionist campaigns.

  • The story of the Civil War and how it shifted the trajectory of a young country towards greater freedom.

  • Emancipation was the catalyst for a large- scale migration of Black people across North America, with impacts still seen to this day.

  • Emancipation didn’t automatically mean freedom for enslaved people, whose reality and circumstances often kept them in economic and physical bondage.

  • Emancipation in the United States stood alongside successful campaigns for abolition & emancipation in the Caribbean, South America and across the Atlantic.

VOL. 5

good trouble

Good Trouble charts the long march towards racial equity since Emancipation, with the Civil Rights Movement in the United States at its heart.

  • The awakening of consciousness in the United States around Black and African identity, solidarity, connection and power.

  • The story of the Civil Rights Movement in the 1950s and 1960s leading to historic breakthroughs.

  • Through self-organization, Black communities worked to uplift, protect and nourish one another.

  • The 21st Century has seen the transformation of activism through technology, helping to elect the first Black president, raise awareness of injustice, and organize across borders.

  • The US Civil Rights Movement stood alongside and was in deep conversation with powerful and successful independence movements across the world.

VOL. 7

The Culture honors the creativity and expression of African-American and African diaspora communities that represents the very fabric of our everyday lives.

  • Dance and music have played a critical role in the expression of Black community, transforming sorrow, passion and joy into sound and movement.

  • Black writers, poets, spoken word artists and storytellers have made it possible for us to deepen understanding, imagine new worlds and possibilities and stretch our horizons.

  • Food has always been at the heart of Black community and connection, representing heritage, character and imagination.

  • A powerful statement of who you are and who you aspire to be, fashion allows for expression of individual and collective style.

  • Imagery illuminates, challenges and invites - and Black artists have transformed our understanding of creative practice, from quilting and collage to graffiti, portraiture and carnivals across the world.

the culture

VOL. 9

me reimagined

Change starts with and within each of us. Me Reimagined is an invitation to reimagine who we want to be and the impact we can have. No matter our starting point, what becomes possible if we step into the spirit of transformative solidarity?

  • In our relationship with ourselves, how can we move to purpose, in which we know what inspires us and what we want to do?

  • In our relationship with each other, how can we move to grace - in which we recognize and honor the humanity of the people we meet?

  • In our relationship with the world, how can we move to courage - in which we recognize the complexity, uncertainty and discomfort of the world, but act anyway?

  • In our relationship with the future, how can we move to hope - in which we believe a better future is possible, if we work for it?

  • Our reality will be created by each and all of our actions, every day. What will you commit to?

VOL. 6

still we rise

Still We Rise celebrates and tells the story of Black people who have transformed the universe of the possible through their impact across our society, from the everyday spaces of our lives to the global stage.

  • Enslaved life on plantations across the United States has left scars we still experience - in our health, in our behaviors and in our material reality.

  • Black people have innovated and led in every sector and space - be it science, public service, thought, business, art, sport, media and beyond.

  • Often unheralded, the impact and influence of Black women in every walk of life has shaped and improved the United States.

  • Social change starts from the ground up, as shown by the countless Black people who have worked together to create a better future for their local communities.

  • Throughout time, icons across the African diaspora have inspired us in the United States to reimagine what is possible.

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For everyone. For you. By all of us. Join us.

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